FFS: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Fellowship Finishing School (FFS) landing page for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
FFS notes
Investigations and tests
- Precipitous Birth in the ED (Emergency Procedures app)
- Speculum examination (Emergency Procedures app)
- Postpartum Haemorrhage (Emergency Procedures app)
- Simulation: Resuscitative Hysterotomy (SMACC19)
- Debrief: Resuscitative Hysterotomy (SMACC19)
CCC resources
FOAM resources
- Identifying and Managing Obstetric Emergencies in Nonobstetric Settings. ACOG
- ACOG Algorithm for:
Eponymous terms
Delivery techniques
- Gaskin (all-fours) manoeuvre: shoulder dystocia
- Løvset’s Manoeuvre: breech delivery
- McRoberts manoeuvre: shoulder dystocia
- Rubin manoeuvre: shoulder dystocia
- Woods Screw manoeuvre: shoulder dystocia
- Zavanelli manoeuvre: shoulder dystocia
- Bishop Score: to evaluate the cervix in regard to the success or failure of induction of labor.
- Alders sign: differentiate the causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy and the puerperium
- Bryan sign: clinical sign of appendicitis in pregnancy
- Cullen sign: peri-umbilical bruising initially described with ectopic pregnancy
Fellowship Notes