Month April 2013

Quick Case #01

A 24 year old male rugby player presents to your ED with a severely painful, swollen left hand which occurred during a tackle and subsequent ruck. These are his x-rays….    [DDET What about the lateral ??] [/DDET] [DDET What’s…

in or out ???

the case. A 34 year old insulin-dependent diabetic male presents to your ED following a “collapse” stating he thinks he has had a seizure. He has had hypoglycaemic seizures previously. He lost his glucometer 3 or 4 weeks ago and…

in with a chance…

the case. a 19 year old female arrives to your resuscitation bay following a high-speed rollover MVA where she was the restrained passenger. she has a clinically fractured mandible with some oropharyngeal bleeding, but a GCS of 15. she is…

slip and fall…

The Case. A young boy is bought to your ED with an obviously swollen painful left arm after a slip and fall… These are his xrays…               [DDET Describe this injury…] Type III Supracondylar…