Category ECG

shrouded shock…

the case. 46 year old male is bought into your resuscitation bay by local ambulance following a three metre fall from a work platform onto a horizontal metal railing below.

a covert combination…

the case. 72 year old male presents to your Emergency Department with a 4-5 hour history of palpitations. He appears well and has no associated symptoms.

the long way round…

the case. a 52 year old male presents to your Emergency Department with more than 24 hours of typical sounding, retrosternal chest pain.

faster than most…

the case. a 34 year old man presents to ED with chest pain & palpitations. His symptoms came on suddenly whilst doing light exercises at the gym.

chest pain and…

the case. a 41 year old male presents with sudden severe retrosternal chest pain radiating into the right flank. He also reports 3-4 weeks of intermittent chest tightness & that his doctor told him he “may need a heart valve…

having a dig…

the case. 87 year old female presents to your ED following an intentional overdose. She tells you that approximately 4 hours ago she ingested ‘most of [her] digoxin tablets’ that she bought earlier in the afternoon.

le(a)d astray…

the case. a 66 year old male is referred to your ED with recurrent bouts of dizziness over the past 2-3 weeks.

peas in a pod….

the case. an 81 year old male is referred by his GP for ongoing tachycardia & progressive hypotension. He has been gradually taken off his antihypertensives (telmisartan & prazosin) over the past 2-3 weeks as his BP has consistently been 80-90mmHg…

sequential sinister sightings…

the case. a 68 year old male presents to ED with left-sided pleuritic chest pain & shortness of breath. He is tachycardic, but normotensive (142 systolic) with room air saturations of 93%.

Quick Case #06

the case. 76 year old male presents to ED with 2 hours of retrosternal chest pain. He is clammy, diaphoretic & looks miserable.

to the bedside…

the case. a 34 year old female presents to ED with palpitations and chest pain. You are handed her ECG prior to reviewing or speaking to the patient….

shock and awe…

the case. Previously well 64 year male presents to ED with 90 minutes of retrosternal chest pain after riding his bike. This is his ECG….