Tag Septic Shock
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Initial Management of Sepsis

Reviewed and revised 17 September 2019 OVERVIEW Initial management of sepsis and septic shock involves consideration of: resuscitation early administration of appropriate antibiotics following blood cultures early source control judicious fluid resuscitation, avoiding excess fluids noradrenaline for refractory hypotension (septic shock) inotropes…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Corticosteroid Therapy for Shock

Corticosteroids are widely used in patients with refractory septic shock, as well as other selected causes of shock. Despite numerous trials, the role of corticosteroids in septic shock remains a controversial issue... still!
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Steroids and Septic Shock Literature Summaries

Bone R.C. et al (1987) “A controlled clinical trial of high dose methylprednisolone in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock” NEJM, 317:653-658 PMID 3306374 RCT n = 382 with sepsis and organ dysfunction methylprednisolone (30mg/kg) vs placebo-> no…