Tag X-Ray
8 November 1895 discovery of X-rays 340

November 8, 1895

On November 8, 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen, chair of physics at Würzburg, noted an unusual phenomenon, that would change the world of medicine

Top 10 Foreign Bodies

These are my top 10 foreign bodies, found on X-ray. From time to time little things get lost. Whether you are playing billiards naked in the dark; counting money with your tongue; battling with an electric rolling pin; or just 'slipping' whilst in the shower….

a tonne of bricks…

… well it wasn’t really a tonne; more like a dozen or so individual bricks falling from a height of 3-4 metres that peppered and glanced a patient I saw 48 hours ago. Whilst he presented as a ‘trauma’ and…