Augusto Saldaña
My name is Augusto Saldaña and I’m a 35 year old Peruvian Family Physician from Peru, living and working in Spain. I work as an EM doc since in Spain there is no formal EM specialisation.
My primary motivations and enthusiasms are emergency medicine as primary care and patient physician communication (EBM that includes patient preferences, values and her or his max benefit). This is, I think, CORE to keep primary care and emergency medicine sustainable. Patients need information about what’s going on with them and they also need to be empowered. Increases treatment success, goal achieving, patient and also physician satisfaction.
I also enjoy painting and teaching, I used to be an English teacher back in the day.
Websites and social media:
Medical Textbooks
- Atlas gráfico de urgencias: pretende ser una herramienta de consulta rápida para cualquier médico de familia que se enfrente a una situación urgente.
Peruvian Emergency medicine and Family Physician, living and working in Spain. Reformed English teacher and developing artist | SketchbookMD | Twitter |