We are Australasian emergency and critical care physicians, nurses and healthcare professionals exploring the changing world of eLearning, emergency medicine, critical care and toxicology through clinical cases, fictionalized anecdotes and medical satire.
Many people have contributed to this website and we are thankful to them all for their hard work.
Select an author
Abdullah Shehzad
Adam Bischoff
Adam Brown
Adam Osborne
Aisling Page
Albert Chan
Alex Johnson
Alexander Duller
Ali Aldawood
Alyson Handfield
Amanda Beech
Amanda McConnell
Amro Sehly
Anand Swaminathan, MD
Andrew Davies
Andrew Dean
Andrew R. Houghton
Andrew Robbins
Andrew Tabner
Andrew Warnock
Andy Steval
Annick Wilson
Anthony Vu
Aparicio Gomez
Augusto Saldaña
Ben Mackenzie
Bernardo Vidal Pimentel
Beth Chasty
Bishan Rajapakse
Brian Kloss
Brooks Walsh, MD
Caitriona McKennedy
Caleb Lin
Callum MacLean
Casey Parker
Chantelle Badawy
Charlotte Baker
Charlotte Hine
Chelsea Harris, MD
Chloe Roy
Chris Groombridge
Chris Hicks
Chris McLenachan
Chris Moseley
Chris Nickson
Chris Partyka
Christopher Dunbar
Ciselle Meier
Claire Plint
Clare Skinner
Conor O'Reilly
Craig McCallum
Dan Stevens
Daniel Carroll
Daniel Gaetani
Daniel Khamoudes
Danny Marhaba
Danny McGurgan
David Cosford
David Denman
David Mountain
David O'Brien
David Raw
David Schaack
Dean Fulford
Deanne Chiu
Diana Egerton-Warburton
Dom Hayes
Domhnall Brannigan
Doug Lynch
Dr David Borshoff
Ed Burns
Ege Eroglu
Eleanor Boden
Elizabeth Ahern-Flynn
Emily Dollery
Emma Bevan
Emre Aslanger
Eve Moss
Fahad Yousif
Fergus Jones
Franz Wiesbauer
Fraser Brims
Gary Zhang
George Douros
Georgina Beech
Gerard Fennessy
Grant Sanger
Gregory Brogan
Hafiz Naderi
Hana Hybasek Dzurikova
Hannah Bone
Hayden Richards
Helen Rimington
Hugo Gale
Hugo Thomas
Ian Summers
Ilma Khan
Ilya Chernyshev
Ioana Vlad
Iona Dollery
Isabelle Kamenou
Jack Iwashyna, MD
Jack Marjot
James Gaston
James Miers
James Pearlman
James Rippey
James Winton
Jarrad Hall
Jarrod Mosier
Jason Scop
Jennifer Davidson
Jennifer Whateley
Jenny Stuart-Smith
Jenny Zhao, MD
Jeremy Fried, MD
Jeremy Rogers
Jessica Hiller
Jessica Hiller
Jessica Hiller
Jessica Lee
Jessica Phillips
Jo Deverill
Joe Rotella
Joel Topf
John Currie
John Larkin
John Locke
John Mackenzie
John Richards
John Vella
Johnny Iliff
Josh Cosa
Josh Howard
Josh Taylor
Julian Dobranowski
Justin Bowra
Justin Hensley, MD
Justin Morgenstern, MD
Kane Guthrie
Kathryn Scott
Kevin Ostrowski
Kristian Webb
Kristin Boyle
Kuroush Ardeshirian
Kyle Cunningham MD
Kylie McNamara
Laura Duggan
Laura Rock
Leon Lam
Lewis Hong
Lily Tucker
Lindsay Showers
Lorcan Oliver
Louis Connell
Lowri Bowen
Lucy Yarwood
Lydia Harper
Maeve McLaughlin
Mariam Tokhi
Marjorie Lazoff, MD
Mark Corden
Matthew Durie
Matthew Lutze
Matthew Mac Partlin
Matthew Quo
Megan Hughes
Michael Baker
Michael Bogseth, MD
Michael Connelly
Michael Gibbs MD
Michael Leith
Michael P Hartung
Michael Stirling
Michael Thomas
Michelle Johnston
Mike Cadogan
Millie Wood
Mitchell Barns
molongui molongui
Murat Cetin
Nanda Surendran
Nathan Carroll
Neil Campbell
Neil Long
Nia Jones
Niall Hamilton
Nicolas Peschanski
Nikolaus Mayr
Nish Cherian
Nudrat Rashid
Nuria O'Mahony
Oliver Flower
Orla Conway
Parvathy Suresh Kochath
Paul Scheidegger
Paul Young
Peter Allely
Peter Brindley
Peter Larsen
Pramod Chandru
Rachel Horspool
Rainer Oberbauer
Rhys Thomas
Rick Abbott
Rob Cowburn
Rob Naish
Robert Buttner
Robert Coni
Robert Herman
Robert Macadam
Ronan McKenna
Rose Laud
Rosie Trumper
Rowan Lo
Ruth Morgan
Ryan Govier
Sabrine Elkhodr
Sam Khor
Sam Leonard
Samantha Gray
Samuel McCarney
Sarah Longstaffe
Sean Fox
Sean Rothwell
Shelley Medmastery
Sheralyn Guilleminot
Shiuli Rathore
Simran Kaur Matta, MD
Sophie Jones
Stephen W. Smith
Stephen Whelan
Stevan Bruijns
Steven Lee
Stewart Ure
Stuart Butterly
Stuart Marshall
Sue Ieraci
Sunayana Samantaray
support molongui
support molongui
Susie Liddiard
Søren Rudolph
Tamishta Hensman
Tane Eunson
Tatiana Ninkov
Tessa Davis
Theo Sklavos
Theresa Jacques
Thomas Robertson
Tim Cook
Tim Martin
Tina Gyane
Tom Cassidy
Tor Ercleve
Tracy Tylee
Trent Hartshorne
Trent Hartshorne
Trent Hartshorne
trevor jackson
Uneesa Mahmood
Vhairi McAtear
Viveta Lobo
Vrinda Chenthil Kumar
William McGalliard
William Wu
Yuigi Yuminaga
Zacharia Joseph
Zohrah Khan
Áine Corry
Úna Nic Ionmhain
Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Ultrasound Fellow working at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth.
Emergency Physician working in Western Australia. Areas of interest include ultrasound, sports injury and the eternal failures of Plymouth Argyle.
Emergency Medicine trainee. Interests in ophthalmology, critical care and clinical research.
Graduated from Cardiff Medical School in 2017 with MBBCh and BSc in Psychology and Medicine. Currently working as a doctor in the emergency department at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Australia.
Dr Ian Summers is an Emergency Physician and Educator and Director of Simulation at Monash Health. He has been Director of Emergency Training at St Vincent’s and helped recruit and set up the emergency team at Casey Hospital as its initial deputy director. You can find him out wandering through the bush with his family, taking photographs of sunsets or wildlife.
Provisional fellow in emergency radiology, Liverpool hospital, Sydney. Other areas of interest include paediatric and cardiac imaging.
New Jersey Emergency Physician with academic focus on resident education and critical care in the ED. Strong supporter of FOAMed and its role in cutting down knowledge translation | @EMSwami |
EM doctor, in-situ sim fan, junior researcher, music lover, budding photographer. Eternally itchy feet. CESR Trainee and Teaching Fellow, Royal Derby Hospital | @andrewtabner |
Josh Taylor, MD University of Western Australia. Medical training in Western Australia with a keen interest in Ophthalmology.
Final year MBBS student at Curtin Medical School. Keen interest in internal medicine and neurology, medical education, and integrating specialist healthcare into rural medical practice.