Category Paediatrics

hot & spotty #2…

the case. A 14 year old boy is bought to ED with a 4 day history of fevers. His parents are concerned as this rampant red rash has rapidly spread across his body overnight….

John Hinds Death is a Wanker

straightening the spiral…

the case. a 2 year old male is carried into your ED screaming. He is horribly distressed and trying to reach down to grab at his right thigh. His parents report that he was standing outside watching his older brother…

hot & spotty…

the case. A mother brings her 18 month old child to your emergency department with a 24 hour history of fevers. She is now worried that her daughter has developed these little red spots.

a knackered neonate…

the case. You are working in a district hospital and are called to the Special-Care Nursery to assist with an unwell newborn infant. She was born 2 hours ago at 39 + 4 weeks gestation, to a primip mother who…

slip and fall…

The Case. A young boy is bought to your ED with an obviously swollen painful left arm after a slip and fall… These are his xrays…               [DDET Describe this injury…] Type III Supracondylar…

a world of trouble…

The case. A 3 week old infant is bought into your ED late at night. She is febrile and looks incredibly unwell. Her parents report a 36 hour history of increasing vomiting and poor oral intake. She has not had…

a twisting tale…

It’s night shift & you’ve received handover of an entire department. You plug on and start chipping away at the waiting-list that doesn’t seem ever get any shorter....

a troublesome tachycardia

The Case. An 11 year old boy is bought to ED by his mother on a busy weekday evening. Mum reports that he has been ‘a little bit off’ over the past 24 hours, in particular he’s not keeping down…