EMA August 2012
Issue 4 (Vol. 24) of Emergency Medicine Australasia published online on 3 August 2012
A primer for clinical researchers: Part III: How to write a scientific paper (Abstract) Part III in this series on key topics for clinicians conducting research as part of their work in the ED, Davidson and Colleagues provide a really practical how-to guide for write up of clinical research data for publication in a peer reviewed journal. General principles and rules for preparing a manuscript along with the editorial and peer review process are described.
Senior Streaming Assessment Further Evaluation after Triage zone (Abstract) Shetty and colleagues describe a new model of care, the SAFE-T zone, which amalgamates multiple ED throughput measures including dynamic transition waiting room concept, early senior ED physician assessment and decision-making, early streaming, acute-care bed quarantining and ED short stay and observation units. Implementation of the SAFT-T zone model achieved improvements in ED performance despite worsened access block and hospital bed-occupancy rates during the implementation period, by challenging conventional processes
International emergency medicine: How to train for it (#FOAMed) International emergency medicine (IEM) is a growing area of interest for Australasian EPs and trainees argues Sistenich, who suggests how Australasian IEM activities could align with the 7 key areas of knowledge and skills involved in the practice of IEM, as described by United States fellowship programs: 1) Emergency Medicine Systems Development; 2) Humanitarian Relief; 3) Disaster Management; 4) Public Health; 5) Travel and Field Medicine; 6) Program Administration and 7) Academic Skills. Advocating for development of an IEM fellowship program in Australasia, this article summarises domestic and international IEM training resources that can currently be obtained by Australasian EPs and trainees
National Coroners Information System: A valuable source of lessons for emergency medicine (Abstract) Curran and Taylor describe a retrospective analysis of the National Coroners’ Information System (NCIS) to determine recurrent themes among Coroners’ recommendations aimed at increasing safety of emergency medicine practice. Recommendations relating to cases seen by consultants mainly involved risk management/medico-legal and re-presentation issues. Cases involving registrars and junior doctors typically concerned diagnostic/therapeutic errors and education issues. Recommendations made were specific and practical, with many already adopted. Recommendations will also have a role in informing curriculum development and emergency physician training.