EMA October 2014
Issue 5 (Vol. 26) of EMA Journal for 2014 was published online on 30th September.
Components of a good quality discharge summary (#Abstract & #FOAMed supplement) Discharge summaries provide a record of patients’ ED and in-hospital care, and are the main communication between hospital and primary care providers. This systematic review, by Wimsett and colleagues, of 32 published studies identified the key components of a high-quality discharge summary as: the discharge diagnosis, treatment received, results of investigations and the follow up required. While only one quarter of the studies reviewed included ED discharges, the findings are applicable to emergency medicine and a template guideline is provided (#FOAMed) to ensure the quality of information for ongoing care is available to the patient’s GP.
YouTube for CPR training? (#FOAMed)Appropriate education for CPR is required for lay bystanders to assist with BLS. In this regard, the widespread accessibility and ease of use of YouTube provides a potential platform for disseminating this important healthcare information. This study, by Yaylaci et al, analysed the accuracy and reliability of YouTube videos related to CPR, with reference to Resuscitation Guidelines 2010. Of the 209 videos assessed, only a small minority (n=24) were compatible with the 2010 Guidelines. ARC NSW Chair, Paul Middleton, advises that although well-designed videos can create awareness and be useful as tools in training, a properly accredited training course is the most appropriate means for people wanting to learn CPR [Media Release PDF]
*NEW* CLINICAL PROCEDURES SECTION: Lumbar Puncture (#FOAMed) This new section for EMA offers an adjunct to other training resources for performing practical clinical procedures, through the personal perspectives and experiences of practicing emergency physicians and trainees, including: tips and tricks, controversies, and discussion on evolving or emerging procedures. In this inaugural article, section editors, Dr Ben Butson and Dr Paul Kwa discuss lumbar puncture, providing a number of tips on patient positioning, ultrasound guidance, measuring CSF opening pressure, needle choice, etc.
*NEW* TRAINEE FOCUS SECTION (#FOAMed) Section editors, Rob Mitchell, Andrew Perry, Joe Rotella and Jenny Jamieson launch another EMA innovation in this issue: the new Trainee Focus section, which will feature articles on the practical aspects of EM training and provide a forum for debate, discussion and advice on education-related matters. The first Trainee Focus features contrasting perspectives from Runciman and Markwell on the appropriateness of consultant emergency physicians being rostered for night duty, with a focus on patient safety and training issues. Twitter feedback on this topic and web resources on night shift and fatigue management are also provided.
An incident reporting system for Australasian emergency medicine (#FOAMed) Incident reporting systems have an important role in understanding error to improve safety and quality in emergency medicine; however, underreporting by doctors reduces their value. This pilot study, by Schultz and colleagues, of a voluntary, online, anonymous incident reporting system designed for Australasian EM (the Emergency Medicine Events Register, EMER) demonstrates that easy and rapid reporting of high quality incident data by doctors is possible, but that system use by ED doctors requires dedicated and conscious effort from the profession