JellyBean 001 Chris Nickson
We invite renowned raconteur Doug Lynch to share his JellyBean podcasts with LITFL in the hope we may piggyback off his charm, wit and provocative style in teasing intimate details out of healthcare practitioners through the medium of interrogative sound – he said NO, but we are going to post them anyway!
A primer.
A tiny bit of audio describing how the “Jellybean” that was born at the #smacc2013. The model is basically a Vox Pop, or Dox Pop, but that sounds like we exclude the nurses and paramedics. These “sounds” definitely try not to exclude anyone.
I don’t consider these to be true medical education. They are the interesting thoughts of the interesting people that I speak to. Off the cuff, from the hip and often right over someones head.
The sound quality is variable in the early Jellybeans as I learned the craft. This is what Hippocrates referred to as “the fifth humor” in a rarely referenced treatise that is controversially excluded by many scholars from the “Hippocratic Corpus”.
…and to start things off, than with Dr Chris Nickson (@PrecordialThump)
Is it possible to dislike this man?
Fast Lane Resident, tireless advocate of FOAMed, innovative speaker and master of the 5th humor. FOAM seems to come out of every orifice. Yet here we do NOT talk about FOAMed but about a couple of the ANZICS CTG research Trials that had their Chief Investigators presenting at SMACC 2013.
Note the error I make in the numbers needed for the HEAT Trial, its 700 not 3800. (I drop out of the audio at the end, thankfully. The question you cannot hear me ask around 4 minutes was me asking Chris who it was that introduced him to Osler.)
(Forefathers, foremothers, four seasons, four horsemen….. )
Dr Doug Lynch MA MBBS MPHTM. Critical Carer. Pathological Polymath. Medical Journeyman. Idealist. Feminist. Father. Friend. Melbourne | @TheTopEnd | JellyBeans | Enquiring Minds |