
JellyBean 015 with David Anderson

David Anderson is an eloquent and erudite individual that shares my interest with end of life care in the critical care world. He has a conspicuous interest in both Intensive Care and Palliative Care and the overlap.

David Anderson floats gracefully around the Twitterverse as @expensivecare

In fact this is possibly the person that I would most like to glide into my own ICU cubicle to tell me that I was about to die. (That’s a compliment.) We sat down and chatted with our respective comedy celtic accents while over in Middle Earth a while back. We are not promoting cigars. Really.

I love this guy. It’s not his sartorial elegance. It’s not his gorgeous accent. It’s not the fact that he has a very cool career; from Paramedic to Intensive Care. It’s his interest in the educational nirvana that is Lego.

(We’re not promoting penne alla arrabbiata either.)

jellybean podcast

Doug Lynch and a sprinkling of Matt Mac Partlin

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Dr Doug Lynch MA MBBS MPHTM. Critical Carer. Pathological Polymath. Medical Journeyman. Idealist. Feminist. Father. Friend. Melbourne | @TheTopEnd | JellyBeans | Enquiring Minds |

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