Jellybean 075 with Aidan Baron

Government #FOAMed Warning; Life in the Fast Lane is apparently addictive. You have been warned. (It’s Jellybean 075 with Aidan Baron; @ALittleMedic )

Aidan Baron is not really that little when you meet him. He is quite big. If you do twitter you will have noticed this man before. I had doubts that he really existed. Was he something like Max Headroom or Ultron or Hobbs? No! He is a lovely man! He is a lovely man that has been enthusiastic about Para-medicine since, like, forever!

Being a self confessed social media nerd he was way ahead of that curve when he stumbled upon all the #FOAMed fuss! He reached out to some of the people that he really admired, people like Cliff Reid (@cliffreid) and the rest is history.

So lets get stuck in to some of his areas of interest because, basically, they are interesting. Even before paramedic training Aidan had a strong focus on ultrasound and #POCUS. He is a proper enthusiast too, he brought an ultrasound machine with him to Nepal just after he left school.

Then it started to snow ball and ultrasound seems to have become a great partner in his training journey. The next thing you know he is writing a Masters on U/S and Paramedics. He is pushing paramedic research forward and using the SoMe skills he has gained to contribute.

He has also recently spoken at the DFTB17 conference on the matter of LGBTQIA access to healthcare. “Communicating with every colour of the rainbow.” is the title. The DFTB People are releasing talks from next month so see if you can find it, follow the blog or put in “Feedly” or whatever you do.

It is topical stuff as the Liberal-National Australian Government is presently trying to stir up homophobia to complement their established excellence in the areas of racism and the multi-modal torture of asylum seekers.

Aidan is one of the good guys. Check him out and check out Fake Thom too.

jellybean podcast

Doug Lynch and a sprinkling of Matt Mac Partlin

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Dr Doug Lynch MA MBBS MPHTM. Critical Carer. Pathological Polymath. Medical Journeyman. Idealist. Feminist. Father. Friend. Melbourne | @TheTopEnd | JellyBeans | Enquiring Minds |

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