Jellybean 106 Vaccine hesitancy with Margie Danchin

Vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal. New York is in crisis. Who is hesitant, who is refusing, what should you do? We asked Dr Margie Danchin. She knows.

The New York Measles Crisis is not a local or a paediatric issue. This affects us all. Margie Danchin has been thinking about vaccines and the related controversy for many years. She is a paediatrician that has researched and worked clinically in this area at the highest level. She shared her knowledge with the lucky punters that came to DontForgetTheBubbles in Melbourne last year. DFTB 2018. If you can go the next DFTB, in London in June, you really should.

New York City is in a health emergency. Mayor Di Blasio has taken the radical step of making vaccination mandatory and has threatened fines of $1000 for non-compliance. How did we get to this? What are exemptions, who asks for them, who gets them, who gives them and who makes up the rules?

Margie Danchin Doug Lynch Jellybean

You might have an opinion about vaccination and anti-vaccination. You may have read a bit about it. You have not read as much or thought as much as this woman. Margie Danchin is a researcher and clinician practicing in this area. She was willing to speak to the room at DFTB2018. She was willing to come and talk to the podcast. Margie gives a fantastic insight into the Australian version of this problem and her insights are really valuable in times like this, not just for Australian listeners, for us all.

A crisis like this is potentially coming to your town, your city and your hospital soon. I strongly recommend you listen to this and check out the wonderful DFTB page which has a bunch of great links and her talk on stage and a great illustrated note (#doodlemed ) by @gracie_leo and more good stuff. You have to be impressed by what Drs Davis, Lawton, Goldstein and Tagg are doing over there. I am.

Go to the conference in London. If you cannot go you should follow the DFTB Podcast and those little Educational Nuggets will literally find their own way to you. Then go to the next conference in 2020. Have you got something better to do?

Margie is a compassionate doctor that reads the hardcore medical research and sits with the real world vaccine refusers and vaccine hesitant people. She spends hours of each week with real people that care for their children in her specialist clinic in Melbourne. Listen to her wonderfully balanced and open-minded words. Margie was on stage with the inimitable Mary Freer who is back in Melbourne is few months with more compassion, in fact she is bring a

LINKS are good.

The Jellybean Podcast is a funny little thing. We advocate and collaborate. In the coming months there will be a load of new interviews. A very mixed bag of different subjects and different voices from different events and different backgrounds. We kind of need people to subscribe to be able to keep going.

Look out for a series co-hosted with and two with . We have a collection of rising international leaders in emergency medicine from the Pacific, Africa and South America. We are very proud to be sharing #SMACCreach interviews with and focused on the rapidly developing emergency medicine discipline in countries across Africa. There are a bunch of interviews with young nurses, doctors and paramedics just getting going in education. (#NewWaveFOAM). There are two great interviews from (Don’t Forget to go to DFTB2019 in London!)

And there are a few surprises too.

Diversity. Variety. Inclusiveness. These podcasts are for the inquiring mind with eclectic interests. I have often said that I would like to interview pretty much everyone that listens to this podcast.

Talk to us, we will listen.

Vaccine hesitancy Gracie Leo

jellybean podcast

Doug Lynch and a sprinkling of Matt Mac Partlin

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Dr Doug Lynch MA MBBS MPHTM. Critical Carer. Pathological Polymath. Medical Journeyman. Idealist. Feminist. Father. Friend. Melbourne | @TheTopEnd | JellyBeans | Enquiring Minds |

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