
New girlfriend

This is a great little piece was written by UK-based emergency medicine registrar Dr Matt Edwards

I was an impressionable yet cock-sure house officer when I started a relationship with a girl called Surgery. She was really sexy and I’d had my eye on her most of my time through med school. I finally wooed her after a lot of hard work and for a little while things went well. My friends thought she was hot and my family thought she would be good for me long term. But behind closed doors, she was either aloof or extremely demanding and I seemed to be spending all my time trying to please her. In the end she was just too high-maintenance for me and we went our separate ways. I think we both knew from the beginning it wasn’t going to work out.

I soon started a relationship with a lovely girl called Anaesthetics. I have to admit I had been kind of seeing her behind Surgery’s back. She was a wonderful girl. We spent ages just sitting there watching the world go by, talking about nothing. We had some really exciting times too. Well at the beginning. But those times became fewer and farther apart as I got to know her better. I was comfortable with her and she was very supportive but there was a side of me that was never going to be happy. Added to which I kept on flirting with Surgery over the green curtain. In the end, as much as I cared for her very much, I just couldn’t see myself with her for life.

Now I’m happily engaged to Emergency Medicine (she’s changed her name – she was A+E when I met her of course) and I seemed to have found the right girl. It was tricky at the start because my friends and family thought she was a bit of a nightmare and rather unconventional. My mum certainly took time to approve of her. My uncle, an orthopaedic surgeon, thought she was a bit of an easy tart. But they’ve all come around because they realise that I love her. We were made for each other. Sure she often throws complete hissy fits and I’m up all night essentially getting abused, but she calms down eventually. She tolerates my short attention span and my own tantrums. She is always challenging me (she’s rather experimental at times!) and coming up with something new for us to do together. I often walk away wondering why on earth I’m with her yet I keep coming back. It’s dysfunctional, chaotic, passionate, stimulating and somehow it works.

That’s my girl

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

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