Rosenbach disease
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1873 – Tilbury Fox (1836-1879) first to describe what is now generally designated as erysipeloid. In 1873 Fox briefly described two instances of an eruption clinically conforming with that disease.
1873 – William Morrant Baker (1839-1896) under the name of erythema serpens described a number of cases occurring exclusively on the hands of cooks and butchers, and on those handling game and rabbit skins. His description of the eruption was essentially the same that Rosenbach subsequently described
1884 – Rosenbach designated the eruption as erysipeloid first in 1884 and then in 1887. He described the eruption as an erysipelas- like affection, frequently encountered in cooks, kitchen workers, butchers and those who handle game and fish, and in shopkeepers who handle cheese or herring, manifesting itself chiefly about the fingers and hands, and characterized by a slowly progressing, sharply defined, slightly elevated, dark violaceous, almost livid red zone which develops around the site of inoculation. The area of redness extends peripherally as the control portion fades away without desquamation. The eruption is accompanied by a sensation of burning, pricking or itching, without constitutional symptoms or involvement of the lymphatics or glands. Spontaneous recovery usually ensues in one, two or three weeks.
1904 – Thomas Caspar Gilchrist (1862-1927). The disease is most frequently seen during the period from May to September. Invariably, the infection can be traced to contact (in many cases through a puncture wound) with dead animal matter of divers nature, and in all but six of his 329 cases, to crab bites or other contact with crabs.
Associated Persons
- William Morrant Baker (1839-1896)
- Anton Julius Friedrich Rosenbach (1842-1923)
- Thomas Caspar Gilchrist (1862-1927)
Alternative names
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- Name
- Did they first describe or popularise or plagiarise?
Original articles
- Fox TC. Skin diseases: their description, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. 1873; 3e: 108-114
- Baker WM. Erythema serpens. Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital Reports, London. 1873; 9: 198-211.
- Rosenbach FJ. Mikro-organismen bei den Wund-Infections-Krankheiten des Menschen, 1884.
- Rosenbach FJ. Ueber das Erysipeloid, Archiv für klinische chirurgie. 1887; 36: 346-350
Review articles
- Gilchrist TC. Erysipeloid, with a Record of 329 Cases, of Which 323 Were Caused by Crab Bites or Lesions Produced by Crabs, J. Cutan. Dis. 1904; 22: 507-519
- Russell WO, Lamb ME. Erysipelothrix endocarditis: a complication of erysipeloid. JAMA. 1940; 114(12): 1045-1050
- Klauder JV. Erysipeloid and swine erysipelas in man. A clinical and bacteriological review: Swine erysipelas in the United States. JAMA. 1926; 86(8): 536-541
- Ehrlich JC. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infection in man; report of a case with cutaneous bullae, in which cure was achieved with penicillin. Arch Intern Med (Chic). 1946;78(5):565-577
the names behind the name