Jellybean 085 with Victoria StephenJellybean podccast - The quadruple burden of disease in South Africa with Victoria Stephen of badEMDoug LynchJuly 24, 2018
Jellybean 079 with Kirsten KingmaBadEM are surfing a #FOAMed wave at the moment and they are doing it with style, which isn’t that surprising when Kirsten Kingma is on board.Doug LynchJuly 18, 2018
Jellybean 061 with Craig WylieCraig Wylie, South African Paramedic and #FOAMed star, introduces us to his badEM worldDoug LynchJune 30, 2018
JellyBean 044 with Kat EvansKat Evans shares two interesting stories; #FOAMed in the resource poor world and a personal story about transcontinental medical managementDoug LynchJune 12, 2018