Tag BOS fracture
William Henry Battle (1855 – 1936) 340

William Henry Battle

William Henry Battle (1855–1936) English surgeon. Battle sign, postauricular (mastoid) ecchymosis fracture of the base of the skull (BOS).
ICE -Ian’s clinical emergencies 340

ICE 002: Trampoline injury

A 9 year old boy fell while trampolining and struck his head on the trampoline frame. There was definite loss of consciousness but just for how long is unclear as the only witnesses were friends his age. The clinical image shows findings on the left side of his head.
eponymictionary-340-256 2

Battle Sign

Postauricular ecchymosis (bruising over the mastoid process) reflecting a base of skull fracture. Described by William Henry Battle (1855 – 1936) in 1890