Brugada SyndromeBrugada Syndrome - ECG abnormality with a high incidence of sudden death in patients with structurally normal hearts. Brugada - EKG LibraryJohn Larkin, Mike Cadogan and Robert ButtnerMarch 8, 2019
ECG Case 080This 53 year old male presented to ED following an episode of collapse. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG BrugadaJohn LarkinMarch 8, 2019
ICE 005: Collapse ECGA 27 year old man had a dizzy spell and then collapsed while playing indoor soccer. Bystanders thought that he had a brief loss of consciousness but he woke up quickly and now feels well. Describe his ECGtrevor jacksonMarch 5, 2019
What is Brugada Syndrome?Brugada Syndrome is an ECG abnormality (Brugada sign) in association with specific clinical findingsPeter AllelyMarch 1, 2019