Tag Carpal Tunnel
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Hoffmann-Tinel sign

Hoffmann-Tinel sign is paresthesia in the distal cutaneous distribution of an injured peripheral nerve evoked by tapping on the nerve more proximally.
Paul Hoffmann (1884-1962) 340

Paul Hoffmann

Paul Hoffmann (1884-1962) was a German physiologist and physician. Known for describing Hoffmann-Tinel sign for assessment of nerve regeneration and success of nerve sutures.
Jules Tinel (1879 – 1952) 340

Jules Tinel

Jules Tinel (1879 – 1952) was a French neurologist. Eponymously affiliated with Tinel's sign in the diagnsois of carpal tunnel syndrome
George S. Phalen (1911 – 1998) 340

George Phalen

George S. Phalen (1911 – 1998) was an American Orthopedic Surgeon. Phalen defined our understanding of carpal tunnel syndrome aetiology, assessment and management