Tag echo
vanPOCUS: Right ventricular (RV) assessment
vanPOCUS: Left ventricular (LV) assessment
vanPOCUS: Cardiac Views
Acute Myocardial Infarction Echocardiography
Aortic Stenosis Echocardiography
Aortic Regurgitation Echocardiography
OVERVIEW causes: degeneration, infective endocarditis, dilated aortic root, aortic dissection. SEVERITY ASSESSMENT large regurgitant jet on CFD— if takes up more than 65% of LVOT then severe flow reversal in aorta LV dilation— LV end-systolic diameter > 5.5cm large regurgitant…
shrouded shock…
the case. 46 year old male is bought into your resuscitation bay by local ambulance following a three metre fall from a work platform onto a horizontal metal railing below.
an insidious intruder…
the case. 28 year old male presents to your tertiary emergency department with chest pain, exertional dyspnoea and left calf pain.
going the wrong way…
the case. 56 year old male presents to ED with dyspnoea, cough and small-volume haemoptysis.
FALLS protocol…
Below is the main content discussed at an ultrasound workshop I ran this week at the Sydney HEMS Clinical Governance Day.
part man, part machine…
the case. 48 year old male is bought to the Emergency Department via ambulance following a syncopal episode. They are unable to obtain a blood pressure & describe ‘some sort of device coming out of his chest’ !!