AMAX4 AlgorithmAMAX4 is a best-practice algorithm for critical care clinicians in anaphylaxis and asthma resuscitation.Neil Long and Chris NicksonJune 11, 2023
Cardiac Arrest flowCardiac arrest physiology is an emerging field of research that may allow us to better understand why clinical trials of cardiac arrest have been so frustratingOliver FlowerFebruary 5, 2021
Adrenaline or epinephrine?Adrenaline or epinephrine? Based on the 'usage argument'; 'historical precedent' and 'etymological derivation'...adrenalineMike CadoganNovember 4, 2020
AdrenalineAdrenaline (epinephrine); catecholamine; direct acting sympatheomimetic -> alpha & beta agonist; low doses -> beta-effects -> increase HR and Q; higher doses -> alpha-effects; maintains coronary & cerebral blood flowChris NicksonJanuary 4, 2019
RAGEback: Swami on Adrenaline in Cardiac ArrestAnand 'Swami' Swaminathan delivers this RAGEback to EMCrit's Scott Weingart on the role of adrenaline in cardiac arrest.Chris NicksonJune 30, 2018