William MaplesonWilliam Wellesley Mapleson (1926 – 2018) was an English physicist of anaesthesia. Classified of the five ‘Mapleson breathing circuits’ in 1954Ciselle Meier and Mike CadoganJuly 1, 2021
Archie BrainArchie Ian Jeremy Brain (1942 – ) British anaesthetist. Best known as the inventor of the laryngeal mask (LMA™)Sophie Jones and Mike CadoganApril 24, 2021
Macewen medalThe DAS Macewen medal was founded in 2009, by the Difficult Airway Society (DAS). The medal is to recognise distinguished members of the society for their service to the society and airway management.Ciselle Meier and Mike CadoganApril 10, 2021
John LehaneJohn Robert Lehane (1945 – 2018) was an English anaesthetist. With Ronald Cormack in 1984: Cormack-Lehane laryngoscopy gradesAlex Johnson and Mike CadoganApril 9, 2021
Ronald CormackRonald 'Ronnie' Sidney Cormack (1930 - ) English anaesthetist. With John Lehane in 1984: Cormack-Lehane laryngoscopy gradesAlex Johnson and Mike CadoganApril 4, 2021