John HayJohn Hay (1873-1959) English physician first to record second degree atrioventricular (AV) block now better known as Mobitz type II AV blockBen Mackenzie and Mike CadoganAugust 3, 2020
Karel Frederik WenckebachKarel Frederik Wenckebach (1864-1940) Dutch physician. Eponymously affiliated with Wenckebach block (Mobitz type I AV block).Mike CadoganAugust 3, 2020
Second-degree Atrioventricular blockEponymythology of Second-degree Atrioventricular (AV) block including Luciani, Galabin, Wenckebach, Hay and MobitzMike CadoganFebruary 1, 2020
Heart Block and Conduction AbnormalitiesHeart Block and Conduction Abnormalities with first, second, third degree blocks; and fascicular blocksChris NicksonJanuary 1, 2019
Woldemar MobitzWoldemar Mobitz (1889-1951) was a Russian-German physician. Applied mathematical approach to arrhythmias 1924 Mobitz Type I and II AV BlockMike CadoganDecember 25, 2018