Tag Mulinda Nyirenda
SMACC 2019 red clinical critical care 340

Prehospital Care in Africa

Mulinda Nyiendra discusses standardising pre-hospital care in Africa and some of the major issues experienced such as access to prehospital care services.
SMACC 2019 green community advocacy 340

Improving Primary healthcare

PHEM is a male dominated speciality but why is that? Caroline Leech takes us through the reasons why this inequity exists and how we can breakdown barriers.
SMACC 2019 green community advocacy 340

Panel discussion QANDA

Professor Owler discusses his experience in his various roles to achieve successful outcomes both in terms of health policy as well as legislative changes. He will discuss the role of doctors in this process and how to interact with government, media and stakeholders to achieve better outcomes for patients and the community.