Tag Perioperative
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680


Clevidipine is a drug used as an infusion for severe hypertension or patients who require narrow blood pressure parameters.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Beta Blockers to Prevent Perioperative MI

The use of Beta-blockers in perioperative medicine has been an issue of intense research in Anaesthesia. Patients that are believed to benefit from beta-blockers are those with risk factors for ischaemic heart disease (HT, DM, hypercholesterolaemia, previous MI, angina, controlled heart failure)
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

AHA/ACC Guidelines (2007)

AHA/ACC Guidelines (2007) – Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation of the Patient undergoing Non-cardiac Surgery Take Home Message = if assessment and evaluation not indicated irrespective of perioperative context then just crack on (its all about symptoms). 3 factors involved in risk…