Tag Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy
Eponymythology Graves Orbiopathy 340

Graves orbitopathy

Time to review the descriptions and eponymythology of the forgotten signs associated with Graves orbitopathy - the signs of Dalrymple, Stellwag, von Graefe, Möbius and Joffroy...

Graves Ophthalmopathy

Graves Ophthalmopathy: constellation of findings, apparent in 25-50% of patients with Graves disease. Robert Graves 1835
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Graves disease

Graves disease: Autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. A form of hyperthyroidism manifesting the triad of goitre, exophthalmos and pretibial myxoedema.
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Robert James Graves

Robert James Graves (1796-1853) was an Irish physician. Graves disease (1835). Renowned polyglot with proficient linguistic skills and a talented artist