VanPOCUS 22 Virtual Ultrasound Conference
The 3rd annual Vancouver POCUS Symposium will take place this Saturday May 7, 2022 as a virtual conference. The symposium will provide an update on the most recent trends in resuscitative, diagnostic, and clinical POCUS. You can catch it all from the comfort of your own home, and you’ll be able to access recorded versions of all the talks for the next year.
The line-up of speakers gets better each year and what makes this conference unique is Dan and Justin’s focus on what we can do at the bedside with POCUS. They are not getting into the weeds of ultrasound but using experts in their field to inform us of what is practical for you today.
The registration fee is small ranging from $17 for students, $33 for residents/health care workers and $75 for staff physicians (and its Canadian dollars not US!!). For those in Canada, CME credits can be applied.
VanPOCUS also delivers 15-20 minute educational videos on various POCUS scans done by its clinical leads and past fellows, which are also hosted on Check the links at the bottom of the page for videos, conferences and much more (including how to do an ultrasound fellowship with the team, which FYI is phenomenal).
Focus on Echo Track
0810: Cardiac POCUS Pitfalls – Dr. Katie Wiskar, internal medicine
0830: Focused Valvular Assessment at the Point of Care – Dr. Kevin Ong, cardiology
0850: Optimizing Echo in Cardiac Arrest – Dr. Matthew White, emergency medicine & critical care
Diagnostics Track
0910: Rapid Diagnosis With Renal POCUS – Dr. Tracy Morton, family medicine
0930: To Tap or Not to Tap – Scanning the Joint – Dr. Lauren Arthurs, emergency medicine
0950: Skin Deep: Ultrasound for Soft Tissue Infections – Dr. Rahim Manji, emergency medicine
POCUS Guided Approach Track
1030: Shock: Advanced Volume Assessment – Dr. Ken Kaila, cardiology & critical care
1050: Fever: POCUS in Sepsis – Dr. Ross Prager, internal medicine & critical care
1110: Dyspnea: An Expert’s Guide to B Lines – Dr. Shane Arishenkoff, internal medicine
Clinical Integration Track
1130: POCUS in the Primary Care Office – Dr. Virginia Robinson, family medicine
1150: POCUS Saves the Day! – Dr. Karine Badra, emergency medicine
1210: Top 10 POCUS Papers of 2021 – Dr. Justin Ahn & Dr. Daniel Kim, emergency medicine
POCUS, eFAST and basic principles
Dr Neil Long BMBS FACEM FRCEM FRCPC. Emergency Physician at Kelowna hospital, British Columbia. Loves the misery of alpine climbing and working in austere environments (namely tertiary trauma centres). Supporter of FOAMed, lifelong education and trying to find that elusive peak performance.