Category CCC

The LITFL Critical Care Compendium is a comprehensive collection of pages concisely covering the core topics and controversies of critical care.

CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Scombroid Poisoning

Scombroid poisoning occurs after the ingestion of fish with high histamine levels due to improper processing or storage. One of the most common causes of morbidity associated with fish intake
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680


Levetiracetam (keppra) is a drug used as an anticonvulsant as monotherapy, or an adjunct, and as a Tier 2 agent in status epilepticus.
Medmastery acid-base disorders 340

Medmastery: acid-base disorders

Franz Wiesbauer explains the relationship between pH, HCO3 and pCO2 and a simple rule which will help you decide whether the primary problem is respiratory or metabolic in nature.
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680


Viral zoonotic infection, monkeypox causes a rash similar to chickenpox. Symptomatic infection involves a febrile illness and evolving rash lasting 2-4 weeks