Category Literary Medicine
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The latest buzz word in the medical blogosphere is ‘overdiagnosis‘. This iatrogenic neologism is increasingly being seen as a significant threat to human health. Overdiagnosis is the diagnosis of “disease” that will never cause symptoms or death during a patient’s lifetime.…

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The Only Home We’ve Ever Known

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we can lose a sense of perspective. It is easy to get bound up in our own little universe and become filled with self-importance.

Dundrum Quay (posted in tribute to Seamus Heaney)

Barnacle encrusted stumps remain.Thrusting, vertebral fossils From tidal glar pools and rising silt. The bar is no longer dredged: Time gently smudges over noisy, dark, Dangerous memories: Coal-black, Bent-backed, Hard men stooping – Their iron shovels grate on coal, Organic…


The Hypocritic Corpus

As I stand over this: Screaming human? Patchwork Scarred Scared Amphetamine fuelled Pulsing rage, With a syringe of midazolam -fantazaslam! Invoking the Mental Health Act, As if I believe in it -The gospel according to psychiatry I realise this does…

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The News, NT style

Territorians expect the NT News to feature a croc story on the cover most days. Usually the headlines are along the lines of ‘croc kills shark’, ‘croc found in swimming pool’, ‘croc chases motorcycle’ or ‘croc found at airport’. The…


Choosing Life or Death

Everyone who works in ED or ICU should read Alicia von Stamwitz’s brief but moving account of her father’s last visit to the emergency department: The doctor explains what I already know: my father’s heart is weak, his kidneys are…

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Lost Under the Skin?

Are you bewildered by anatomy? Do you keep getting lost in the maze of nerves, muscles, tendons, vessels, bones and ligaments? Never fear, help is at hand in the form of Sam Loman's human body 'subway' map. Never get lost again.
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Days Beyond Superlative

Some days are special. Some days are amazing...and some days are so amazing they go beyond superlative; destiny changing days to be forever ingrained in ones mind. Saturday was one of these days.
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Down with the Afterload!

If you are new to intensiveland and find yourself bamboozled by all the numbers, indices and machines that go ping. There is only one reference you need turn to... Titled "Alice in intensiveland. Being an essay on nonsense and common sense in the ICU, after the manner of Lewis Carroll."
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That probably wasn’t a good idea

One of great joys of being an emergency doctor, (and also one of it's sobering features) is that, on certain occasions, there will be unfortunate members of the public who present to hospital having done something ridiculously stupid. Many of these foolish acts are chronicled in the Darwin Awards.
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A World of Wimps?

n a single night I had patients come in for the following complaints (all brought by ambulance): “Smoked marijuana and got dizzy”, “stung by a bee and it hurts”, “got drunk and have a hangover”,