Category Medical Specialty
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Lithium Toxicity CCC

Lithium: acute overdose is usually benign if adequate hydration is maintained and renal function is normal; chronic toxicity can be difficult to manage and result in devastating neurotoxicity
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Monro-Kellie doctrine

The Monro-Kellie doctrine or hypothesis states that the sum of volumes of brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and intracerebral blood is constant. An increase in one should cause a reciprocal decrease in either one or both of the remaining two.
Pierre Eugène Ménétrier (1859 – 1935) 1200

Pierre Eugène Ménétrier

Pierre Eugène Ménétrier (1859 – 1935) was a French surgeon, oncologist and pathologist. Eponymously affiliated with Maladie de Ménétrier (1888)
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Haemostatic resuscitation

Reviewed and revised 5 August 2015 OVERVIEW Haemostatic resuscitation is a key component of damage control resuscitation and forms the basis of most massive transfusion protocols involves resuscitation with blood components resembling whole blood aims to avoid or ameliorate acute coagulopathy…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

STEMI Management

STEMI is a type of acute coronary syndrome that requires emergency reperfusion therapy. Definition and assessment of STEMI is described in Acute Coronary Syndromes
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Hyperthermia-associated toxidromes

Toxidromes associated with hyperthermia may be difficult to distinguish: serotonin syndrome; anticholingeric syndrome; sympathomimetic syndrome; neuroleptic malignant syndrome; malignant hyperthermia
Carl Hueter (1838-1882) 340

Carl Hueter

Carl Hueter (1838 - 1882) was a German Surgeon. Remembered for his contribution to the Hueter-Volkmann law (1862) with Richard von Volkmann (1830 - 1889)
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Weigert-Meyer rule

Weigert (1877) and later Meyer (1907) recognized that the disposition of the ectopic orifice to lie caudal and medial to the orthoptic orifice was almost universal in cases of ureteral duplication. Weigert-Meyer Law.
Alan Lyell (1917-2007) 340

Alan Lyell

Alan Lyell (1917-2007) was a Scottish Dermatologist. Lyell Syndrome (1956) AKA toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Toxicology-Library-Tox-library-LITFL 340


Methylhexaneamine C7H17N was originally intended to be used as a nasal decongestant but in recent times it has found its way into dietary supplements marketed with thermogenic or stimulant properties.