Charles Stent
- Born on October 17, 1807 at Brighton, Sussex, England
- Died on July 17, 1885 at Westminster, London
Medical Eponyms
A dental splint destined to control the Stent* is fitted to any existing teeth or to the alveolar ridge (see figs. 1 and 2), and the sulcus is deepened per oram to the satisfaction of the dental surgeon.
*The dental composition used for this purpose is that put forward by Stent, and a mould composed of it is known us a “Stent”
Gillies 1920: 10-11
Major Publications
- Roguin A. Stent: the man and word behind the coronary metal prosthesis. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Apr 1;4(2):206-9
Eponymous terms
- Esser JF. Studies in plastic surgery of the face: I. use of skin from the neck to replace face defects. II. plastic operations about the mouth. III. the epidermic inlay. Ann Surg. 1917 mar;65(3):297-315.
- Gillies HD. Plastic Surgery of the Face. London: Oxford University Press, 1920: 3-34 [page 10]
- Ward G. Impression materials and impression taking: an historical survey. Br Dent J 1961; 110:118-119
- Mulliken JB, Goldwyn RM. Impressions of Charles Stent. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1978 Aug;62(2):173-6.
- Sterioff S. Etymology of the world “stent”. Mayo Clin Proc. 1997 Apr;72(4):377-9.
- Hedin M. The origin of the word Stent. Acta Radiol. 1997 Nov;38(6):937-9
- Bloom DA, Clayman RV, McDougal E. Stents and related terms: a brief history. Urology. 1999 Oct;54(4):767-71.
- Ring ME. How a dentist’s name became a synonym for a life-saving device: the story of Dr Charles Stent. J Hist Dent. 2001; 49: 77–80.
- Deora S. The story of ‘STENT’: From noun to verb. Indian Heart J. 2016 Mar-Apr;68(2):235-7.
- Armocida E, Galassi FM. Charles Stent (1807-1885) between innovation and business: a dentist’s role in the history of dentistry and surgery . Medicina Historica, 2019; 3(1): 5-9.
the person behind the name