Category Eponym
Thomas sign AM Thomas Ogilvie 1955

Thomas sign

Thomas's sign: Silver, aluminium or metallic coloured stools. Caused by the combination of cholestatic (acholic) pale stools secondary to CBD obstruction and the black-tar colour malaena.
Berkeley George Andrew Moynihan, Lord Moynihan of Leeds (1865-1936) 340 2

Berkeley Moynihan

Berkeley George Andrew Moynihan, Lord Moynihan of Leeds (1865-1936) was an English General surgeon. Eponymously associated with the Moynihan sign (1905), an adaptation of Murphy's sign, a method used to differentiate pain in the right upper quadrant.
John (Jack) Handyside Barnes (1922-1985)

Jack Barnes

John (Jack) Handyside Barnes (1922-1985) was an Australian medical practitioner and toxinologist. 1964 the first specimens of the small stinger Carukia barnesi (Irukandji)
Edward Harry Bishop (1913-1995) 680

Edward Bishop

Edward Harry Bishop (1913-1995) was an American obstetrician and gynecologist. Bishop Score (1964), a method to evaluate the cervix in regard to the success or failure of induction of labor.