Demetrius Chilaiditi
Demetrius Chilaiditi (1883-1975) was an Austrian born, Ottoman Radiologist of Greek descent.
Chilaiditi also published other works on the radiotherapy of malignant tumours; hypertrichosis; gynaecological diseases, and duodenal stenosis.
Eponymously affiliated with Chilaiditi sign and syndrome described in 1910
- Born on April 11, 1883 Vienna, Austria
- 1908 Graduated in Medicine, University of Vienna
- Studied radiology III Medical University Clinic, Vienna and Zentral-Röntgeninstitut
- Set up private practice in Constantinople (Istanbul) one of the first members of the Turkish Radiological Society
- Died 2 January 1975 Istanbul
Medical Eponyms
Chilaiditi syndrome (1910; n=3)
1910 – Chilaiditi reported the anatomo-radiographic findings of 3 asymptomatic cases of subdiaphragmatic air on plain XR as a result of temporary hepatodiaphragmatic interposition of the colon.
Major Publications
- Chilaiditi, Considérations nouvelles sur le ralentissement de évacuation de certains estomacs, Bull. de la soc. rad. méd. de Paris, Nov. 1910.
- Chilaiditi, Procédé pour obtenir sans contraction de la paroi abdominale une ascension considérable de l’estomac. Bull de la soc. de rad. de Paris, Décembre 1910.
- Chilaiditi D. Zur Frage der Hepatoptose und Ptose im Allgemeinen im Anschluss an Drei Fälle von Temporärer, Partieller Leberverlagerung. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen. 1910; 16: 173-208
- Maizlin ZV, Cooperberg PL, Clement JJ, Vos PM, Coblentz CL. People behind exclusive eponyms of radiologic signs (part I). Can Assoc Radiol J. 2009 Oct;60(4):201-12
the person behind the name
MBChB (hons), BMedSci - University of Edinburgh. Living the good life in emergency medicine down under. Interested in medical imaging and physiology. Love hiking, cycling and the great outdoors.