
Franz Zehetmayer

Franz Zehetmayer (1813 - 1846)

Franz Zehetmayer (1813 – *1846) was an Austrian physician.

After completing high school and philosophical studies in Vienna, Zehetmayer devoted himself to medical science at the University, where he received the medical doctorate. He became assistant to the chair for special pathology and therapy at the medical clinic

Zehetmayer published the following works: “Basis of percussion and auscultation and their application to the diagnosis of pleurisy and lung diseases” (Vienna 1842; 2e 1845) and “The heart diseases. Guide to self-instruction for physicians” (1845). The works were praised by specialist critics for their clarity of presentation. During the years 1844 and 1845 he also edited the “Journal of the kk Society of Physicians in Vienna”.


Medical Eponyms

Edgard Hirtz (1849 – 1916) described the genu-pectorale position as a sign of pericarditis in a patient with acute generalized articular rheumatism and dyspnoea [Hirtz Sign (1911)]. He acknowledged that Zehetmayer (1845) and Merklen (1892) each reported cases of large pericardial effusions relieved with positional changes.

Ich beobachtete einen neunjährigen Knaben, bei welchem nach vorausgegangener Scarlatina ein grosses Exsudat im Pericardium bestand, der nur auf Hände und Füsse gestützt zu athmen vermochte

Zehetmayer 1845; 165: 116

I observed a nine-year-old boy after infection with Scarlet Fever. He had a large exudate in the pericardium and could only breathe crouching on his hands and feet

Zehetmayer 1845; 165: 116


* Date of death listed as late as 1850, although he appears listed in the Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen, 1846; 24: 1061 as having died on the 5th May 1846.

Major Publications


eponymictionary CTA


the person behind the name

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

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