Friedrich Schultze

Friedrich Schultze (1848 - 1934)

Friedrich Schultze (1848 – 1934) was a German neurologist.

1891 founded the journal Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde with Wilhelm Erb, Adolf von Strümpell and Ludwig Lichtheim

  • Born August 12, 1848
  • Died 1934

Medical Eponyms

Schultze acroparesthesia (Schultze-Nothnagel syndrome, Putnam-Schultze syndrome) The concurrence of acroparesthesia, anesthesia, and pain in the arms without vasomotor symptoms. A severe form of carpal tunnel syndrome

Schultze test (Chvostek sign) Percussion of the skin of the face overlying the facial nerve between the angle of the jaw and the zygoma. Twitching of the middle part of the face in response is a positive result, indicating the presence of latent tetany

Major Publications
  • Schultze F. Über Akroparästhesie. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde, 1893, 3: 300-318. [Schultze acroparesthesia]



Eponymous terms

eponymictionary CTA


the person behind the name

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