Joseph Rouanet
Joseph Rouanet (1797 – 1865) was a French physician.
- Born 4 December 1797 Brassac, Saint-Pons (Hérault)
- 1828-1832 Medical School in Paris
- 1847 – Emigrated to United States
- Died 1865 New Orleans
Medical Eponyms
Key Medical Attributions
Rouanet was the first person to state that the first and second heart sounds (S1 and S2) were as a result of the heart valves closing. He wrote in his 1832 MD thesis that first heart sound occurred when the atrioventricular (mitral and tricuspid) valves closed, and the second occurred when the semilunar (aortic and pulmonic) valves closed.
- Published under J Rouanet – not Jean-Pierre as summised in 1922 by Souchon
- On his emigration “…some heavy speculations in the stock market forced him to transfer his incontestable medical talents to America…”
Major Publications
- Rouanet J. Analyse des bruits du coeur. Paris thesis, 1832 (No. 252). [Google eBook]
- Rouanet J. Revue médicale française et étrangère. 1844 Tome III
- Rouanet J. Critical Review of ‘A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, Including the Principles of Physical Diagnosis‘, by Prof. W. H. Walshe, of London. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. 1851-52;8: 521-529, 649-661, 800-809
- Caffé. Necrologie: Joseph Rouanet. Journal des connaissances médicales pratiques. 1866;33:112
- Faget J-C. Notice scientifique sur Rouanet, de Saint-Pons (Hérault). L’union médicale 1866;29:321-327, 337-346, 385-395.
- McKusick VA. Rouanet of Paris and New Orleans; experiments on the valvular origin of the heart sounds 125 years ago. Bull Hist Med. 1958 Mar-Apr;32(2):137-51. [PMID 13523276] [JSTOR]
- Souchon E. A tribute to Dr. Pierre Rouanet, the discoverer of the cause of the heart sounds, at one time a practitioner in New Orleans. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. 1921-22;74:314-317