Lewis Conner

Lewis Atterbury Conner (1867-1950)

Lewis Atterbury Conner (1867-1950) was an American cardiologist.

Conner was a pioneer in public health cardiology, cardiac rehabilitation, and cardiac psychology

Founding president of the New York and American Heart Associations (AHA). Founder of the American Heart Journal, America’s first medical subspecialty journal.

Conner devoted his career to the Oslerian tradition of scholarship, leadership, and organization in the quest for improved patient care.


  • Born 1867 New Albany, Indiana
  • 1887 – Bachelor of Philosophy, Yale University
  • 1890 – MD, College of physicians and surgeons Columbia University
  • 1890-1892 Intern, New York Hospital
  • 1896 – Attending physician, New York Hospital
  • 1916-1932 Chairman of Medicine, New York Hospital and Cornell University Medical College
  • 1924 – First president of the American Heart Association
  • 1925-1937 Editor-in-chief, American Heart Journal
  • Died 3 December 1950
  • February 1951 publication of Circulation (1951;3(2):163-318) dedicated to the memory of Lewis A Conner

Medical Eponyms

  • Lewis A. Conner Memorial Lecture
  • Conner sign (1926) – dullness to percussion in the right lower posterior lung field associated with pericardial effusion

Key Medical Attributions

1911 – Conner introduced the term Biot respiration to the English literature. Conner observed seven patients with Biot respiration, six of whom had meningitis [Am J Med Sci 1911]

Major Publications


eponymictionary CTA


the person behind the name

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

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