LITFL Review 148
Welcome to the 148th LITFL Review! Your regular and reliable source for the highest highlights, sneakiest sneak peeks and loudest shout-outs from the webbed world of emergency medicine and critical care. Each week the LITFL team casts the spotlight on the blogosphere’s best and brightest, and deliver a bite-sized chunk of Global FOAM.
The Most Fair Dinkum Ripper Beauts of the Week
Scott Weingart’s “Mind of the Resuscitationist” series on continues to serve up thought-provoking analyses of the way we handle difficult scenarios. This time he’s got a lecture from Mike Lauria (@resuspadawan) titled Making the Call. Essential! [SO]
The Best of #FOAMed Emergency Medicine
- Even the Cochrane Collaborative isn’t above the tPA fray. Ryan Radecki takes the group to task for misinterpretation and misrepresentation of their own analysis of thrombolytics in ischemic stroke data. [AS]
- Great short vidcast from Mel Herbert, Paul Juhn and the Hippo EM blog on Syncope in Bundle Branch Block Patients. Awesome to see more and more FOAM coming out of EM:RAP group. [AS]
- Patient bleeding out in-front of you? Delay to definitive intervention? Scancrit talks Manual Aortic Compression . Remember every department needs a ‘burly type’ just in case! [CC].
- Who would have thought that listening to a podcast on the coefficient of variation could not only be understandable but really interesting? Rick Body, from St Emlyns, delivers a fantastic second podcast on troponins, helping you to truly understand them, informing and improving your practice. [SL]
- Amal Mattu follows up on last week’s EKG case with part 2 on brugada syndrome, including an important literature update! Also take a listen to this week’s Updates in Resuscitation episode, where Amal reviews a paper on syncope risk stratification. [MG]
- BoringEM presents another “boring” but essential topic, airway assessment. [MG]
- Casey Parker writes in defense of Heuristics explaining how what we do is not manage risk but rather uncertainty. [AS]
The Best of #FOAMcc Critical Care
- Great short vidcast from Andy Neill on Recent Controversies in Sepsis Management. This quick review gets you up to date with where we are right now. [AS]
- INTENSIVE have some great pearls on advanced mechanical ventilation and mastering vascaths. [SO]
- Got a patient with intracranial hypertension? Not sure if a decompressive craniectomy will help, given recent controversies? John Myburgh’s excellent SMACC talk should help. [SO]
- A really entertaining talk from John Hinds on his experience of prehospital medicine in motor sport: Cases from the Races. [SL]
The Best of #FOAMped Pediatrics
- Andrew Tagg at Don’t Forget the Bubbles, tackles the topic many of us in paediatrics are too afraid to ask about – postnatal depression. [TRD]
- Damian Roland has put together a lovely video which is an overview of how to approach paediatric fever. [TRD]
- Sean Fox at Pediatric EM Morsels cover the basics of Von Willebrand diseasethis week. [TRD]
The Best of #MedEd FOAM and #FOAMsim
- What a wonderful idea from Nikita Joshi and the ALIEM team- developing skills in simulation debriefing using social media! Join the SimLIFE-EM conversation hereand check out the excellent replies! [SO]
- Educators have long complained of the lack of basic Emergency Medicine content in FOAM. So let’s welcome newcomer to the block www.foamneedssoap.comfrom Maite Huis in ‘t Veld. Another great offering from the minds at University of Maryland. [AS]
LITFL Weekly Review Team
LITFL RV brought to you by:
- Anand Swaminathan [AS] (EM:RAP, Core EM,REBEL EM and The Teaching Institute)
- Andrew J. Bowman [AJB]
- Bruno Tomazini [BT] (ICURevisited)
- Chris Connolly [CC] (RCEMFOAMed, FOAMShED)
- Chris Nickson [CN] (RAGE, INTENSIVE and SMACC)
- Cian McDermott [CMD] (POCUS Geelong, SMACC)
- Craig Wylie [CW] (BadEM)
- Jeffrey Shih [JSh](ALiEM)
- Luke Phillips [LP] (POCUS Geelong)
- Manpreet ‘Manny’ Singh [MMS] (
- Marjorie Lazoff [ML] (TandemHealth)
- Mat Goebel [MG]
- Matt Siuba [MS]
- Philippe Rola [PR] (Thinkingcriticalcare)
- Rick Pescatore [RP] (EM News UC:RAP)
- Sarah Newman [SN]
- Salim Rezaie [SR] (REBEL EM, The Teaching Institute)
- Segun Olusanya [SO] (JICSCast, The Bottom Line)
- Thomas C. Neal [TCN] (PulmCCM)
Reference Sources and Reading List
LITFL Review
#FOAMed Updates
Marjorie Lazoff, MD FACP. Board certified internist with clinical background in academic emergency medicine, currently the founder of The Healing Red Pen, an editorial consulting company. Dr Lazoff is a full-time editor and strong supporter of FOAMed.