
LITFL Review 157

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Welcome to the 157th LITFL Review! Your regular and reliable source for the highest highlights, sneakiest sneak peeks and loudest shout-outs from the webbed world of emergency medicine and critical care. Each week the LITFL team casts the spotlight on the blogosphere’s best and brightest, and deliver a bite-sized chunk of Global FOAM.

The Most Fair Dinkum Ripper Beauts of the Week

Nick Cummins Fair Dinkum Ripper Beauts of the Week

Delayed Sequence Intubation (DSI) has been part of the FOAM critical care armamentarium for years. Now, the evidence is published in the traditional literature. Scott discusses the article(Open Access Article for a limited time) and how DSI can change your practice. [AS]

The Best of #FOAMed Emergency Medicine

  • IV administration of antibiotics isn’t necessarily better than oral administration. Boring EM and Partick Bafuma delve into the use of PO antibiotics instead of IV. [AS]
  • Yosef Liebman’s whimsical Emergency Medicine Updates should be an essential monthly stop for every emergency physician. The November 2014 editionfeatures tips about dexamethasone for low back pain with radiculopathy (and ‘no red flags’), CVC complications, non-inferiority trials and lots more. [CN]
  • Over the last 2 decades, billions of dollars have been spent on P2Y12 inhibitors(clopidogrel, prasugrel). Rory Spiegel takes a deep dive into the topic and concludes that there’s no benefit to upstream (prior to defining the coronary anatomy in the cath lab) administration of these drugs. [AS]
  • Whether you’re preparing for the UK FCEM exam in Critical Appraisal, or just want to brush up your ability to understand and appraise a paper, this great critical appraisal resource from Andy Neill is definitely a good place to start. [SL]
  • If a bunch of airway addicts in the #FOAMed community could talk to the guy who invented the GlideScope, what would they ask? Find out in this weeks PHARM podcast. [MG]
  • Should we be applying NIPPV in the prehospital setting for patients with undifferentiated respiratory distress? The SGEM does a deep dive on this articleand discusses the topic. [AS]

The Best of #FOAMcc Critical Care

The Best of #FOAMtox Toxicology

  • Large doses of naloxone can lead to acute withdrawal in chronic opiate using patients. Titrating small doses makes more sense in this population and ALiEM and Bryan Hayes give you a tip to make up quick and easy push dose naloxone. [AS]
  • I’m sure we’re all relatively au fait with side effects and toxidromes from common prescribed and recreational drugs.  Brushing up on those from herbal remedies is recommended in this case based pop quiz. [CC]

The Best of #FOAMus Ultrasound

  • The future of ultrasound is here today! Mike Mallin discusses how we will use ultrasound in the future to deliver better patient care. [AS]
  • The Intensive Care Network features more great talks from the SMACC Ultrasound track. Matt Dawson discusses the application of ultrasound in critical pediatric patients. [AS]
  • Great Lung Ultrasound in ICU case from Intensive Care Network, showing USS comes in incredibly useful when CXR and clinical findings don’t correlate. [SO]

The Best of #FOAMped Pediatrics

  • Do you fear button battery ingestions? Simon and Natalie discuss the management of kids who swallow (or stick up their nose) button batteries. [AS]

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Marjorie Lazoff, MD FACP. Board certified internist with clinical background in academic emergency medicine, currently the founder of The Healing Red Pen, an editorial consulting company. Dr Lazoff is a full-time editor and strong supporter of FOAMed.

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