
LITFL Review 190

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Welcome to the 190th LITFL Review! Your regular and reliable source for the highest highlights, sneakiest sneak peeks and loudest shout-outs from the webbed world of emergency medicine and critical care. Each week the LITFL team casts the spotlight on the blogosphere’s best and brightest, and deliver a bite-sized chunk of Global FOAM.

The Most Fair Dinkum Ripper Beauts of the Week

Nick Cummins Fair Dinkum Ripper Beauts of the Week

Ken and Chris over at The SGEM are trialling a new project: ‘Hot or Not’  They want to know what you think of five recently published articles. Looks like it could be an interesting addition to cutting down the Knowledge Translation window from over ten to less than one year.  [CC]

The Best of #FOAMed Emergency Medicine

  • FOAMCast interviews Jerry Hoffman about the final ACEP tPA policy that was recently released. An excellent discussion of what science is and isn’t. [AS] [MG]
  • More discussion on the role of MET in renal colic from EM Nerd. While there’s no evidence of utility for vast majority of patients, unclear role in patients with larger stones as studies not designed to adequately study this group. [AS]
  • Is your department ready for MERS?  If not check out this action plan from the team in Virchester. [CC]

The Best of #FOAMcc Critical Care

  • Excellent discussion of the rare but potentially catastrophic blunt cerebrovascular injuries from the ETM Course. [AS]
  • The REBEL EM Beyond ACLS series continues with Rob Bryant discussing epinephrine drip instead of bolus, reducing peri-shock pauses in CPR and optimal post-arrest care. [AS]

The Best of #FOAMim Internal Medicine

  • Latest in the Louisville Lecture series: “Dr. Gerald Lee discusses common primary immunodeficiencies using a case-based approach. He introduces the topic  by creating broad categories of clinical presentation to assist with pattern recognition. He spends more time on Selective IgA Deficiency and then covers Common Variable Immunodeficiency in depth.” [ML]
  • RheumJC had a new online journal club on biosimilars last Thursday about The Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases July 6, 2015 publication of A phase III randomised, double-blind, parallel-group study comparing SB4 with etanercept reference product in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate therapy by Paul Emery, et al.  Check out the site for an upload summary of the journal club, and for future Twitter discussions.[ML]
  • NephJC has a nice summary and pretty illustrations provided by Matt Sparks in preparation for an upcoming online journal club on two articles discussing Gli1+ pericytes as precursors to myofibroblasts and key contributors to fibrosis and end organ injury scheduled for Tuesday July 28 9pm EST (Wednesday 8PM GMT). [ML]

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Marjorie Lazoff, MD FACP. Board certified internist with clinical background in academic emergency medicine, currently the founder of The Healing Red Pen, an editorial consulting company. Dr Lazoff is a full-time editor and strong supporter of FOAMed.

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