Mirizzi syndrome
Mirizzi syndrome or extrinsic biliary compression syndrome, is a rare complication of cholelithiasis
Mirizzi syndrome is characterised by obstruction of the common bile duct (CBD), secondary to mechanical compression caused by the impaction of one or multiple gallstones in the neck of the gallbladder or cystic duct
The prevalence of this rare complication varies from 0.05 to 3%,7,8 and is more frequent in women
Patients usually present with obstructive jaundice that may be associated with abdominal pain and fever
1905 – First described by Kehr
1908 – Further description by Ruge
1948 – Mirizzi
Associated Persons
- Pablo Luis Mirizzi (1893-1964)
Original articles
- Kehr H. Die in neiner klinik geubte technik de gallenstein operationen, mit einen hinweis auf die indikationen und die dauerersolge. Munchen: JF Lehman; 1905.
- Ruge E. Deitrage zur chirurgischen anatomie der grossen galenwege (Ductus hepaticus, choledochus, und pancreaticus) Arch Clin Chir. 1908;78:47.
- Mirizzi PL. Sindrome del conducto hepatico. J Int Chir. 1948; 8: 731–777.
- Mirizzi PL. Physiologic sphincter of the hepatic bile duct. Arch Surg. 1940 ;41:1325–1333
Review articles
- Pemberton M, Wells AD. The Mirizzi syndrome. Postgrad Med J. 1997 Aug;73(862):487-90
- Abou-Saif A, Al-Kawas FH. Complications of gallstone disease: Mirizzi syndrome, cholecystocholedochal fistula, and gallstone ileus. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Feb;97(2):249-54.
- Becker CD, Hassler H, Terrier F. Preoperative diagnosis of the Mirizzi syndrome: limitations of sonography and computed tomography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1984 Sep;143(3):591-6.
- Payá-Llorente C, Vázquez-Tarragón A, Alberola-Soler A, Martínez-Pérez A, Martínez-López E, Santarrufina-Martínez S, Ortiz-Tarín I, Armañanzas-Villena E. Mirizzi syndrome: a new insight provided by a novel classification. Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2017 May;21(2):67-75.
Critical Care