Nikolay Sergeevich Korotkov

Nikolay Korotkov

Nikolay Sergeevich Korotkov (Николай Сергеевич Коротков) (1874-1920) was a Russian surgeon

  • Born on February 26, 1874 in Kursk
  • 1893-1898 entered the Kharkov University (Ukraine), but graduated with honors from Moscow University
  • Translated into Russian by Edward Albert’s monograph “Die Chirurgische Diagnostik”
  • 1900 – Awarded the right to wear the Red Cross badge of honor for his active participation in the development of medical care in the Russian Far East
  • 1902 – Awarded the Order of Saint Anna 3rd class “For excellent medical care to wounded and sick soldiers”
  • Died on March 14, 1920 in Leningrad

Medical Eponyms

Korotkoff sounds: pulse-synchronous circulatory sounds in auscultation of blood pressure using Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer.

Korotkoff method: non-invasive auscultatory technique to determine the systolic and diastolic blood pressure using а sphygmomanometer and а stethoscope.

Korotkoff test: test of collateral circulation when aneurysm present. If the blood pressure in the peripheral circulation remains fairly high while the artery above the aneurysm is compressed, the collateral circulation is good.

  • Korotkov is Romanised as Korotkoff

Major Publications
  • Korotkoff N.S. On methods of studying blood pressure [in Russian]. Bull Imperial Mil Med Acad. 1905;11:365-367. [English translation in Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 1941;17:877-879] [Korotkov sounds]
  • Korotkoff N.S. On methods of studying blood pressure: second presentation [in Russian]. Izv. Imper. Voen-med Acad. 1906;12:254-257
  • Korotkoff N.S. Experiments for Determining the Strength of Arterial Collaterals. Saint-Petersburg, Russia: Imperial Military Medical Academy; 1910. [Korotkov test]



Eponymous terms

Dr Iliya Chernyshev

Russian Emergency Physician

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