Refetoff Syndrome
Refetoff Syndrome: Thyroid hormone resistance is a rare syndrome in which thyroid hormone levels are elevated but the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level is not suppressed (or not completely suppressed as would be expected).
1967 – first report of the condition appeared by Samuel Refetoff
Associated Persons
- Samuel Refetoff (1937 – )
Alternative names
- Thyroid hormone resistance (TRH)
- Did they first describe or popularise or plagiarise?
- Refetoff S, DeWind LT, DeGroot LJ. Familial syndrome combining deaf-mutism, stuppled epiphyses, goiter and abnormally high PBI: possible target organ refractoriness to thyroid hormone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1967;27(2):279-294. [PMID 4163616] [Refetoff Syndrome]
the names behind the name