Tag Atropine
Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson (1837–1909) 340

Douglas Argyll Robertson

Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson (1837–1909) was a Scottish surgeon and ophthalmologist. Eponym: Argyll Robertson pupils


Atropine is a competitive muscarinic antagonist, used to treat drug-induced bradycardia and poisoning by acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Organophosphate poisoning: Adult Dose = 1.2mg with further dosing every 2-3 mins, doubling the dose each time until there is drying of secretions. Paediatric…

slowly, slowly…

Case: 76 year old female, presents with lightheadedness and lethargy. She is complaining of mid-scapular pain & is syncopal at triage. She has cold hands & clammy skin. Systolic BP 70 mmHg. Crackles to mid-zones of her chest. Distended JVP.…