Tag Calcium
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Chvostek sign

Chvostek sign is contraction of facial muscles provoked by lightly tapping over the facial nerve anterior to the ear as it crosses the zygomatic arch.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Calcium as an Inopressor

Calcium has inotropic and vasopressor effects; direct relationship between ionized calcium levels in the blood and arterial pressure has been found in the critically ill
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Calcium Metabolism

Calcium: highly regulated cation involved in: cell death, duration and strength of cardiac muscle contraction, muscle contraction in blood vessels, airways and uterus, coagulation, bone metabolism, neurotransmitter and hormone release…
CCC Critical Care compendium 340


Ca2+ exists in the extracellular plasma two states: (1) free ionized state and (2) bound to other molecules (mostly albumin, rest – beta-globulins, phosphate, citrate) ionized Ca2+ concentration is inversely related to pH -> an increase in pH results in a decrease in ionized Ca2+
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Calcium Replacement

Calcium Replacement: controversial issue; generally accepted that patient should have replacement if ionised Ca2+ < 0.8mmol/L
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Calcium basics

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. 1.5% of body weight; 99% is in bone matrix; 1100gramm (27mmol)


Calcium – useful antidote for calcium channel blockers, hydrofluoric acid exposure to skin or systemic fluorosis, ethylene glycol (hypocalcaemia), hyperkalaemia and iatrogenic hypermagnesaemia.