Tag Caleb Hillier Parry
eponymythology diffuse toxic goitre 340 2

Diffuse Toxic Goitre

The problem of nomenclature of diffuse toxic goitre (Parry, Graves or Basedow disease) remains an unsettled one. So lets review the chronological history of eponymous aetiology for toxic goitre/exophthalmic goitre
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Hirschsprung disease

Hirschsprung disease is a developmental disorder characterized by the absence of ganglia (aganglionosis) in the distal colon, resulting in functional obstruction
Caleb Hillier Parry (1755 – 1822) 1

Caleb Hillier Parry

Caleb Hillier Parry 1755–1822 English physician described Hemifacial atrophy; angina pectoris; Hirschprung disease; Graves disease in 1825
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Parry-Romberg syndrome

Parry-Romberg syndrome: progressive facial hemiatrophy usually involving the soft tissues of one side of the face. Parry (1825) Romberg (1846)