Tag Clubbing
Schamroth sign 680

Schamroth sign

Schamroth sign. Simple sign to determine the presence of finger clubbing. One of the earliest signs of clubbing is obliteration of the Schamroth 'window'.

John L. Lovibond

Biography Born on May 4, 1907 1929 – BA 1932 – MRCS LRCP 1933 – MA 1934 – MB BCh 1935 – MRCP 1936 – MD 1943 – FRCP Died on May 4, 1954 Medical Eponyms Lovibond angle (profile sign)…

CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Clubbing DDx

Clubbing is an abnormality of the fingertips with following features: beaked nails; loss of angle between nail bed and finger; increased AP width of finger tip; sponginess of proximal nail bed