Tag hypoglycaemia
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Six True Emergencies

Does your mind go blank at a code? “Whenever I turn up to a MET call, all I do is rule out six things." - the six true emergencies
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Hypoglycemia, but how?

A man presents with hypoglycemia, but has no history of any other illness nor a history of ingesting a hypoglycemic agent. Can you unravel the puzzle?
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680


There is no universally accepted definition of hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose). Clinically significant hypoglycemia is confirmed by the presence of ‘Whipple triad’
arcanum veritas LITFL 340

Top 10 Food for Emergencies

Every emergency department needs to keep a well-stocked pantry. No, not just so that the night staff can survive the torture of middle-of the-night hunger pains. Different types of food can save lives in medical emergencies, or at least help take away a whole lot of suffering...Top ten list of food items that could help in a medical emergency
Metabolic-Muddle-LITFL-Clinical-340 256

Young and Yellow

Fulminant hepatic failure is defined as the appearance of hepatic encephalopathy in a patient with acute deterioration of liver function with no previous history of liver disease.

a little low…

the case. A 48 year old female arrives to ED via ambulance following an intentional overdose. Her husband discovered her taking tablet after tablet in the bathroom at home. She has a history of depression & diabetes and reports feeling…