
Vladimir Mikhailovich Voskresensky

Vladimir Mikhailovich Voskresensky Владимир Михайлович Воскресенский (1902 - 1951)

Vladimir Mikhailovich Voskresensky (Владимир Михайлович Воскресенский) (1902 – 1951) was a Russian military surgeon.

Voskresensky began his medical career as head of the obstetric department in the small town of Tver Region, but his sincere devotion to the Soviet Armed Forces and Ministry of Internal Affairs radically changed his interests in medicine and his whole life. Throughout his career he worked principally in emergency surgery with rehabilitation of patients after various acute surgical conditions and in surgical endocrinology, specialising in the surgical treatment of diabetes. He worked as a surgeon until the end of World War II. Voskresensky ended his career as the head of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the prestigious medical universities in Siberia.

Voskresensky proposed two symptoms, which are named in his honor the “sign of the shirt – or gliding symptom” (“симптом рубашки или симптом скольжения”) in acute appendicitis; and symptom of false absence of pulsation of the abdominal aorta at the intersection of it with the pancreas (симптом ложного отсутствия пульсации брюшной аорты на пересечении ее с поджелудочной железой) in acute pancreatitis.

Government awards and titles: three military orders and five different medals; one foreign order and one medal; Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Forces of the Soviet Army.

  • Born on March 15, 1902 in the vilage of Brod, Tver Region, Russia
  • 1926 – Graduated from the Second Leningrad Medical Institute (now North-Western State Medical University, St. Petersburg).
  • 1938-1942 PhD in Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences
  • 1941-1948 – Served the Soviet Army in numerous positions including Chief surgeon of Soviet Armed Forces
  • 1948 – Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases at the Tomsk Medical Institute (now Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk)
  • 1949 – Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases at the Novosibirsk Medical Institute (now Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk)
  • Died on November 26, 1951

Medical Eponyms
Voskresensky symptom (симптом Воскресенского) (1940)

Clinical sign of appendicitis with low sensitivity and specificity, found in 36.8% of patients with uncomplicated appendicitis and 33.5% with gangrenous appendicitis. The examiner pulls the lower edge of the patient’s shirt with their left hand and places the index, middle and ring fingertips of their right hand on the abdominal wall in the epigastrium. The hand ‘slides’ with firm pressure from the umbilicus to the right iliac fossa. A positive response is associated with increased pain.

Тест проводится экзаменатором, который тянет левую руку за нижний край рубашки пациента и помещает кончики пальцев второй / четвертой правой руки на брюшную стенку в эпигастрии. Экзаменатор оказывает давление на брюшную полость вниз, перемещая или двигая рукой в направлении правого нижнего квадранта и останавливаясь в этой области. Положительным признаком является то, что пациент сообщает об усилении боли в этой области.

Воскресенский. Советская медицина 1940

The test is performed by the examiner pulling the lower edge of a patient’s shirt with his left hand and places the second through fourth fingertips of his/her right hand on the abdominal wall in the epigastrium. The examiner exerts downward pressure on the abdomen while moving or sliding his hand towards the right lower quadrant and stopping in this region. A positive sign is if the patient reports increasing pain in this region”

Voskresensky V. M. Soviet medicine. 1940

Major Publications
  • Непроходимость желудочно-кишечного тракта и уровень хлоридов в крови (Gastrointestinal obstruction and the level of chloride in the blood) // Вестник хирургии. 1935. T. 41: 114–116.
  • Новый симптом острого аппендицита (A new symptom of acute appendicitis). Советская медицина. 1940; № 10.
  • Острый живот: краткие сведения по диагностике и лечению (Acute abdomen: brief information on diagnosis and treatment) Tomsk, 1949.
  • Острые панкреатиты (Acute pancreatitis). 1951.
  • To the question of the long-term results of surgery for the treatment of gunshot wounds of the heart // Хирургия. 1952. № 1


Dr Iliya Chernyshev

Russian Emergency Physician

BA MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.  Passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane | Eponyms | Books | Twitter |

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